Marketing Services

Through the Provision of Laboratory Analysis Services it is possible to know the technical characteristics of materials (physical, chemical, mineralogical and thermal), in order to define their applicability to the industrial market.

Physical analyzes are a set of tests which determine the technological characteristics of a material. In this process, it is possible to know the raw..

Chemical analysis by X-ray Fluorescence spectrometry consists of determining the elemental composition of various materials, qualitatively and quantitatively. For ceramic materials, the chemical composition is determined by..

Thermal analysis obtained by determining the coefficient of linear thermal expansion, consists of dimensional increase or shrinkage through the action of heat. This experiment is a consequence of the increase of its internal energy…

This process consists of analyzes to determine the physical, chemical and thermal characteristics and their industrial use. Specific projects aiming the industrial…

Quality control is a technical work performed by the Mining and Laboratory areas. The methodology applied since field sampling to laboratory analysis aims to ensure the quality of..

It is a technical work that seeks to know the physical, chemical and thermal characteristics of a certain unknown area (not analyzed)..

Technology Consulting

Safira Soluções Minerais, through its physical structure and qualified workforce for research, development and innovation, provides technology consulting services with innovative and efficient solutions.

By adjusting ceramic mass compositions and developing industrial minerals it promotes high performance and excellence in quality.

In technology consulting, we work assiduously on productivity/quality improvement projects and on corrective actions to solve product and process problems.

Safira Soluções Minerais has been working in the development of mass compositions since 2010, applying innovative concepts and actions, achieving great results for our customers, improving corporate, operational and sustainability…

Safira Soluções Minerais, through the innovative study of industrial minerals, enables  better recovery of raw materials, increases the level of productivity, development of differentiated products, reducing environmental…


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